Discover the Multifaceted Benefits of Chanca Piedra for Your Goats

This week, I’m thrilled to share with you the incredible benefits of an herb that might not yet be in your herbal repertoire, but undoubtedly deserves a spot: Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri). Its name translates to “stone breaker,” hinting at its powerful capabilities, but its benefits extend far beyond breaking up stones that form in the body.

Why Chanca Piedra?

Chanca Piedra is a superhero in the world of herbal care and can be particularly helpful in preventing urinary calculi in goats with a history or predisposition to it. However, the wonders of Chanca Piedra don’t stop there; it’s also celebrated for its liver protective properties, immune boosting effects, and its role as a digestive aid. 

Let’s dive into how this remarkable herb can contribute to the health and vitality of your goats.

Health Benefits for Goats:

  • Urinary System Support: Chanca Piedra’s most notable benefit is its ability to help prevent and break down urinary calculi. Regular inclusion in your goats’ diet can aid in maintaining a healthy urinary tract, making it a potential therapy option for goats prone to urinary issues.
  • Liver Health: Acting as a liver tonic, Chanca Piedra supports liver function and can help in detoxifying the body, contributing to overall health and well-being.
  • Immune System Boost: This herb is a powerhouse for enhancing the immune system, providing your goats with extra defense against infections and illnesses.
  • Digestive Aid: Beyond its detoxifying and protective roles, Chanca Piedra supports digestive health, aiding in the smooth operation of this vital system.

Goat-Specific Usage of Chanca Piedra

I like to incorporate chanca piedra in parasite remedies, digestive health blends, for immunity boosting and, most notably, for urinary calculi prevention. Given weekly as a top-dress to feed or orally direct-dosed, chanca piedra can help prevent the formation of the stones that lead to urinary calculi.

With all these benefits, chanca piedra has landed itself a top spot in my own goat herbal apothecary.

Chanca Piedra Research Summary Provided by Consensus


Chanca piedra, also known as Phyllanthus niruri, is a tropical plant recognized for its potential health benefits. It has been traditionally used in various cultures for treating a range of ailments, particularly those related to the kidneys and liver.

Key Insights from Research Papers

  • Chanca piedra contains essential amino acids and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, suggesting its nutritional value and potential for use in high-quality food production1.
  • Methanolic extracts of Chanca piedra have demonstrated nematicidal properties, indicating potential agricultural applications in controlling nematode pests2.
  • In vitro studies have shown that Chanca piedra does not significantly affect liver and kidney function parameters in albino rats at certain doses, although higher doses may not be safe for prolonged use3.
  • The plant’s leaves are rich in minerals like manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are important for electrolyte balance, growth, bone and teeth formation, and enzyme activation, supporting its traditional use in treating kidney and other related health issues4.
  • Chanca piedra exhibits significant antioxidant activity, which may be beneficial in mitigating oxidative stress and liver injury caused by various risk factors5.
  • The plant has antimicrobial properties, with extracts showing effectiveness against bacteria responsible for common infections, suggesting its potential as a natural antibacterial agent6.
  • Contrary to some traditional claims, a study found that Chanca piedra does not have prophylactic or ameliorative effects on cadmium-induced kidney damage in rats, indicating that its use in treating kidney stones and gallstones may require further investigation7.


Chanca piedra is a plant with a rich nutritional profile and potential health benefits, including antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. While it has been traditionally used for kidney and liver health, scientific evidence suggests that its efficacy may vary, and further research is needed to fully understand its therapeutic potential and safety, especially concerning its use in treating kidney stones and heavy metal toxicity.

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