Meningeal Worm in Goats

Meningeal worm in goats can be a serious threat. Let’s explore the research and ever evolving data around meningeal worm. This page is dynamic and will be updated as new research is uncovered. Meningeal worm, scientifically known as Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (P. tenuis), is a parasitic nematode that affects the nervous system of various ruminant and Continue Reading


Goat pneumonia is usually fast acting and critically serious.  I’d like to start with this: you will most likely need antibiotics for treating any case of pneumonia that includes a downed goat or one who is obviously lethargic.  For cases quickly caught, here are the many herbal remedies you can use to treat pneumonia in Continue Reading


Mastitis is an infection in the mammary tissue of lactating and non-lactating does.  It can happen after does are dried off, during pregnancy, or any other time.  There is no life stage that excludes mastitis in a female goat. Symptoms of Mastitis *Blood in milk is not by itself an indicator of mastitis, especially in Continue Reading