Liver flukes in goats were a real battle for my own herd the first year we moved to this bottomland where the snails and slugs are thriving. We lost one goat to it, but gradually everyone developed immunity. We pasture all season long on the bottomland and I haven’t treated for liver flukes in my Continue Reading
Category: Conditions
Meningeal Worm in Goats
Meningeal worm in goats can be a serious threat. Let’s explore the research and ever evolving data around meningeal worm. This page is dynamic and will be updated as new research is uncovered. Meningeal worm, scientifically known as Parelaphostrongylus tenuis (P. tenuis), is a parasitic nematode that affects the nervous system of various ruminant and Continue Reading
Infection at Goat’s Disbudding Site
Infections, though uncommon, can occur when a disbudding site is not fully cauterized. These sites may need to be redone to prevent scurs. Maggie in our goat group graciously allowed me to use her image to demonstrate what this type of infection may present like. Weeping, oozing, puss and discharge can indicate an active infection. Continue Reading
Urinary Calculi & Alfalfa
The topic of urinary calculi is filled with myth and misinformation, frustratingly so when owners of male goats are simply trying to figure out how best to protect their goats. Based on my experience, observation and extensive research, I feel confident in saying that the causes of UC are exactly these, in this order: Why Continue Reading
Air Pollution
This is what we look like every fire season in my area. And when it gets like this, if there’s no mullein for the goats to self medicate from in the pasture, I’ll add dried mullein leaf alongside their minerals. I like to mix it in kelp, roughly 1/2C to 1# of kelp. Nettle is Continue Reading
Staph on Udders
Staph on udders is a pretty common occurrence, especially in late winter/early spring. We dealt with it one year and I mixed up this concoction that went on to become my “Staph Away Salve” that I now use on virtually every skin condition presented to me in my walk with animals. Staph looks like small Continue Reading
Barberpole Worms
Orange essential oil is studied to be effective against barberpole worm specifically. For a BP issue, this is the protocol I would use in my Nigerian herd. Start with a fecal if possible. Double all dosages for standard sized goats: You can buy all three of these oils in my Goat Essentials set. *While I Continue Reading
Goat pneumonia is usually fast acting and critically serious. I’d like to start with this: you will most likely need antibiotics for treating any case of pneumonia that includes a downed goat or one who is obviously lethargic. For cases quickly caught, here are the many herbal remedies you can use to treat pneumonia in Continue Reading
Mastitis is an infection in the mammary tissue of lactating and non-lactating does. It can happen after does are dried off, during pregnancy, or any other time. There is no life stage that excludes mastitis in a female goat. Symptoms of Mastitis *Blood in milk is not by itself an indicator of mastitis, especially in Continue Reading
When Do I Treat for Parasites?
This article is intended to guide you to following the physical signs and your own intuition on when to address a suspected parasite issue. I do this without the aid of modern equipment and detail the steps I follow to assess herd health. Continue Reading